My Personal Life Story
My name is Brittany Robertson. I would love to share something that inspires you such as my personal motherhood story. I’ve never really shared due to a busy schedule. I just have never taken the time to sit down and go over my story as a mother. Click here to view the Full Blog.
I have a twelve-year-old daughter and I’m 32 years old. Sometimes, people ask oh you know you have a daughter? they don’t even realize that she’s 12 years old or think she’s the younger sister of me. My daughter name is Jaden and yeah! she is my biological daughter. I got pregnant when I was 19 I had her at 20. I broke up with my boyfriend and ten days later found out I was pregnant so, as you can imagine it was a very hard trying time in my life. I wasn’t one of those people that had ever planned to get married or have kids. To get pregnant especially before marriage, it was very devastating for me. I think with so many options ultimately, I decided that the best option for me was to have my daughter. I had her after my freshman year of college so, I took a year off school and moved back in with my parents.
I wanted to be an attorney still and I didn’t want to stop school that was always a huge priority for me. I also thought about getting pregnant, it was something that really worried me about not finishing the goals. I had for myself and just the plan I had for my life. I moved back in with my family; they were very supportive during that time. My mom watched Ayden while I went to school. I went to school full-time and I worked full-time at Nordstrom that was just such a busy time of my life. I was always a good student in my school, but it really motivated to meet me to be the best mom and student. I wanted to support her; I also was a single mom, so it was more imperative for me to not rely on anyone. To make sure I was making income for her that I could support myself and we can be financially dependent and that was a huge priority to me.
I had my daughter at 20 so it was hard. My friends were going through a time where they were everyone was going out and we were all. I was so young like thinking about now and I look at photos when I have a Jaden, it’s just I live it looks like a baby. I always thought about how to become a good mom. I wind how to be a mom to her and the values that I wanted to instill in her. It was a tough time for me but also a time where I became the closest with my friends. I still hang out with today when you go through trials at people that are there for you or the ones that you know are yours. I guess your like right in a diet crew like the ones who are always going to be there for you no matter. Some of those people are Jenna Heather and Ricardo; you guys see a lot on my stories Jenna and Heather. I went to high school with them and they were there for me during all this and then Ricardo I met in college and became one of my best friends. We still hang out with today that was really important to have a support system around me; I never wanted to feel like I needed a guy to make me feel confident or make me feel like because I was a single mom like I needed to jump in a relationship that was not me at all. I was very fine with being a single mom but also, I wanted to make sure that if I did meet someone it would be a good fit for Jaden as well. I didn’t want to just bring guys around her at all that was not my focus at the time. I did much hard-working while pregnant and at last, I was the topper in my class with my newborn. Sometimes I felt faint or nausea while pregnant even I suffer from Implantation of Cramps During Pregnancy.
I used to fight against any pain just because of my daughter. When you are a mother, you are never alone in your thoughts. A mother always must think twice, once for herself and once for her child. I started a part-time job for my little baby to give her a good living style. I wrote a research paper late at night when I got home. I was very used to being on a little sleep and I still bring in some of those habits they like. I not very great to say but I don’t sleep that much and it’s not like a great healthy lifestyle. I feel like it’s just always helped me get the most done and productive. I never felt ashamed but even people gave me more motivations to live the moments. I am living a happy life with my little daughter, Jaden and really being a mother is fun.
“Having children just puts the whole world into perspective. Everything else just disappears.” — Kate Winslet