Interview: Mrs Dominique Forbes releases new singles, ‘Sleep On Remix Island style’ & ‘WIN!’
Q: Please introduce yourself to the readers and how you first got into this field of work –and who were some of your influences growing up?
I’m Mrs Dominique Forbes, a woman who was born in The Bahamas who woke up at 3:00 a.m. one morning to watch a Recording Artist perform live on stage. I knew that someday I would pursue my own music career. My influences at the time were my Grandmother, my Auntie Maxine who always took me to church with her (I always appreciated that) and my Mother.
Q: What kind of training have you had, if any?
I received on-the-job training by performing live on stage as a solo act and with other musicians, being behind the scenes of music projects and working with young people and youth groups.
Q: What has been your favourite project to work on so far?
Being a part of the song, “Get Involved” By Bahamian Allstars was my favourite project hands down!
Q: How did you get the gig?
It was something that I prayed for, set as a goal and attracted into my life! At that time in my career, I was riding in the passenger seat of my former manager, Kareem Hanchell, when I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and started jotting down the names of several Bahamian Recording Artists who I wanted to collaborate with. Within less than one week, Mr Hancell received a phone call. The rest is history! By the way, the person who called was among one of the names that were on my list!
Q: What sports do you enjoy watching?
Q: What has been one of the biggest highlights/achievements of your career?
This year has been a highlight for my career! Amidst a pandemic, I released two poetry books, “Where Is Daddy? STAY PUT SERIES!” which speaks about the joy that a child experiences when a father walks into the home and “Mamma, Do You Love Me?” that expresses in 3 characters the challenges that mothers and daughters face with each other (sons as well!)
“Where Is Daddy STAY PUT SERIES,” a children’s activity book for ages 5–9, can be found on Amazon in paperback and Ebook while the Audiobook is available on many of the online audiobook stores for sale such as Both Barnes & Noble and Amazon sell paperback and ebook copies of “Mamma, Do You Love Me?” which is a poetry book for adults!
Within the year 2021, I also released three songs. “WIN!” is a song that is an ode to 2021 400m Olympic Champions Shaunae Miller-Uibo and Steven Gardiner both of whom are Bahamians along with Dominique.
Whereas “Sleep On,” the orchestra version and “Sleep On Remix Island style,” my third and first song releases are tributes to my cousin, Devon Brown, who was shot and killed on October 16, 2021, right next to his home! Isn’t that sad?
His death led me to write the words, “Sleep On.” I remember adding the words, “Be strong!” as I was thinking about my family — my Auntie Maxine in particular who could have lost all of her kids during the same shooting and my Aunt Nadia, Devon’s mother, who had already experienced enough grief to me!
When I was not writing books or making music, I was a part of interviews, featured in magazines and newspapers all around the world which is remarkable for an island woman who has a spouse and children and makes keeping her priorities in order important!
Just the night before I had to go to an interview our oldest son said to me, “I don’t want you to go,” in a very loving voice after learning about what I had to do the next day. I went anyway! It is my duty and a privilege to share my message with whoever wants to hear it.
Q: If you had a chance to work alongside anybody who would that be?
Ada Ehi!
Q: What projects do you have coming up?
You’ll see!
Q: Who is your inspiration?
At this time in my life, my husband inspires me. It takes a lot of sacrifices on his end (and mine) for me to get to do what I do and I love that he makes them!
Q: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
I’ve seen the news of the death of a little girl in my country named, Bella. She was raped! Coming to the knowledge of the account inspired me to repost a poem that I deleted a few days ago entitled, “Touched By A Girl.” The poem is informative and can be found here
The death of this three-year-old, caused me to become even more vigilant! What happened to Bella cannot be excused and while there are dangers in the world, knowing that “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” as 2 Timothy 1:7 says is important so that no one walks around living in fear.
I teach our daughters to trust their intuition and not to allow a boy, starting with their brothers, to talk them out of anything that they can sense as females. I teach our sons not to use their ability to talk their sisters, as females, into doing anything beyond their own personal will and not to talk them, as girls, out of doing anything they wish to do!
I also teach our sons and daughters that things start off small and that they are not to allow themselves or anyone else to become too comfortable with them as children under any circumstance. That applies if the shoe is on the other foot also.
They have been trained that Mommy and Daddy have no right to cross the line with each other or them at all — not physically, not verbally, not sexually, not intellectually, not spiritually, not emotionally, not psychologically, not educationally, not morally, or any other ly that exists!
Our children have been taught what a good touch is, what a bad touch is, what shouting sounds like, what abuse is and how abuse starts. They also know what having peace looks like, feels like and sounds like accompanied with the full awareness of what a sound voice is, what a still, soft voice is and how to identify it, what temptation falls under (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life as 1 John 2:16 states) and who to call on when temptation comes (and that name is Jesus!)
Q: What are your favorite venues to perform in?
Social events!
Q: Social Profiles:
Instagram: @dominiqueforbesglobal
Youtube: Dominique Forbes Patreon:
Tik-Tok: DominiqueForbes242
Twitter: @DomForbes242
Link for “Sleep On Remix Island Style” on Spotify
Link for “Sleep On Remix Island Style” on Apple Music
Link for the song “Sleep On Remix Island Style” on Soundcloud
Link for the song “Win!” on SoundCloud