“Eating the Forbidden Fruit” a Confession of a Convicted Cop

quotes writer
4 min readDec 3, 2019


Q: Tell us about your latest book?

Is it part of a series? Not a series. “eating the Forbidden Fruit” is a fictional novel based on events in my life as a police officer convicted of federal crimes. It’s a journey of ups and downs attempting to find answers where I went wrong. Truly a tale of karma.

Q: Does writing energize or exhaust you?

I got diagnosed with Lupus approximately ten years ago. It hindered my career as a tattoo artist, my hand-eye coordination. Since then I’ve been battling depression. Within the last year, I lost my mom and undergone hip replacement surgery therefore writing is a form of therapy. A trade-off between visual art to literary art.

Q: Have you ever gotten the reader’s block?

Definitely one symptom of Lupus is fatigue so getting motivated is a problem. Yet I promised my mom that I would complete what I started. That was her wish before she passed. My mom was a native of Osaka Japan, one of the strongest women figures in my life. Canto the US speaking little to no English and made a way for my family. I owe her the world.

Q: Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

My story is a confession from the heart. I reveal my faults and accomplishments. I believe people will relate because everyone falls from grace sometime or another. It will be informative for law enforcement individuals in training. If it can prevent recruit from making the mistake I made. Indulging in immoral acts can lead to criminal behavior. Like a God complex, immune to repercussions.

Q: Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

Everyone goes through an emotional journey at one point in time. It could involve all genres drama, misery, humor. So yes if a person at the right point in time can translate their thoughts to paper, they too can narrate their feelings.

Q: What does a literary success look like to you?

Simply the accomplishment of having my book published and doing it independently. Wealth isn’t always monetary it’s spiritual also. I got a chance to tell my side of the story after the media tore my reputation up. It was to be expected when people read a cop convicted of a crime, they assume he was corrupt and that wasn’t my case. The book will explain my story.

Q: What’s the best way to market your books?

I hired a all in one publisher and publicist, Katara Washington Patton, and her credentials are quite impressive.

Q: Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?

Absolutely it’s like opening my soul and spilling it out on paper. Truly therapeutic.

Q: What period of your life do you find you write about most often?

(child, teenager, young adult) “Eating the Forbidden Fruit” is a journey from my childhood to adulthood.

Q: What did you edit out of this book?

I changed names to protect the privacy of friends and family.

Q: How do you select the names of your characters?

That’s funny! Whatever came to mind.

Q: If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?

The Lupus has affected me so I’m not certain. It took my art motor skills away. Thanks to family I fared through the storm

Q: What is your favorite childhood book?

Where Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Think about it the book addressed bullying and imaginary get away from reality.

Q: Do you have any causes, charities, foundations that you are passionate about and donate to? if so why? how did you get involved??

Of course, I would like to donate some proceeds to the Lupus Foundation specifically people who are indigent and can’t afford health care.



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