An Interview with Music Star “Little Sister”
First up, tell us a bit about yourself — what first got you into music?
I am a 28-year-old musician from Southern California. I love to read, interact with people and compose music. I have had a fascination with music since I could remember. Since I come from a large family, I was exposed to so many different styles of music. This just made fall more in love with it. I first got into playing music in my late teen years. I played in a couple of bands and released some music. In 2018 I began recording My first solo EP “Smokey Mirrors” which is set to be released in May 2019!
Were there any particular bands or artists you took inspiration from?
Absolutely! I don’t think I would be playing music if I were not inspired by the amazing artists that I have had the pleasure of discovering. I go through different phases with music constantly but within the last few months I have been inspired by: Roy Orbison, Cake, Interpol, The Shirelles, Foxygen, The Marias, New order, Regina Spektor and tennis
How would you describe your musical style?
I would say in has a very California feel to it. Alternative, dreamy, pop.
Why the name ‘Little Sister’?
I have four older sisters and I have always been referred to as the little sister by my sisters and their friends.
If you could collaborate with any living artist, who would it be?
Kevin Parker
Tell us about your new single, ‘Waiting On You’. What’s it about, what are its themes?
Waiting on you is about indecisiveness. Mainly about being on the receiving end of somebody else’ indecisiveness.
When did you write it and where did you record it?
I wrote it at the end of 2017 and held on to it for a bit. I kept changing it around but eventually, picked a version and recorded in at King Size Sound labs in Los Angeles. Neko Rivera Helped me record and mix the track.
How does ‘Waiting On You’ represent your style?
I would say it represents some of my overall styles, as it continues to change and evolve, it better represents this first EP that’s Going to be released in May.
What are your hopes for ‘Waiting On You..’?
My Hopes are to get it to as many ears as possible and be able to see how people respond to it and bring curiosity about the upcoming EP “Smokey Mirrors”.
What can you tell us about your plans for the rest of 2019?
I have many plans for the rest of 2019. First I want to release the EP. I am planning to finish recording the second short album currently in the making. I also have a few shows lined up this summer in southern California. Currently teaching my bandmates the music for upcoming shows.
Finally, if you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice, when would it be and what would you say?
I would go back to my teen years and tell myself not to get tied up in things that don’t matter and to focus my energy on creating. I am capable of.