An in-depth interview with the beautiful singer on the rise, Kendall Rucks
1. Kendall, thank you for your time. Please tell our readers more about your background.
I was born and raised in south Florida in a quiet little beach town on the coast. The only music / creative outlet there was my towns theater group (that I’m so thankful for). My dad loved rock music and I loved my dad so I started listening to rock as well. From there it all spiraled into a series of crazy events that takes me to where I am now — Los Angeles!
2. What do you see as your greatest challenges as a new singer in LA?
Breaking through the noise. There are a million talented artists here so you have to ask yourself what makes you different? What do you have that no one else can take? I think originality is key and I try to think out of the box when I write and compose. A lot of popular music is the same stuff over and over — I wanna create something that is different yet addictive.
3. What do you see as the greatest assets of being new on the scene?
I am a young person with a love for everything old. I bring new ideas and new thoughts with a somewhat familiar nostalgic sound that at first makes people comfortable, then open them up to a new way of being, thinking, feeling. Youth is such a powerful asset; not just for the commercial appeal, but that through my writing and my music, I am documenting all of my “firsts.” And not just the beautiful love “firsts” but the ugly side of “first” experiences also. No one forgets their “first”, and I think that connects with every person — no matter what age.
4. We see that you are playing The Viper room soon. Tell us about playing such a legendary room on the Sunset Strip. Is there a lot of pressure involved?
When I first came to LA that was one of the first places I took a photo in front of! It’s crazy that I’m now headlining there next week. I’d say its not so much pressure more like true excitement
5. Where do you see your career in the next 2 years?
I wanna be performing and sharing my music with as many people as possible, Collaborating with artists I love and admire, and being a strong voice for women in music.
6. What one thing would you like to share with your fans out there about your soon to be released new music?
That this music is like my baby!! The years of blood, sweat, money and hard work that is put into this music shows, and having it come to fruition is like giving birth. Or an exorcism hahaha
7. Please list your social media platform links for our readers