An Exclusive Interview with Max Random

quotes writer
4 min readMay 6, 2019


First of all, we want to say welcome to you. Its great fun to do interviews!

Q: How did you come into the music industry?

I did a year of stand up comedy in Philadelphia and they were constantly trying to make my comedy fit into a formula and it felt really unnatural. Then I picked up and learned guitar and started performing my bits as songs and it was way more me.

Q: Who was your inspiration for music?

I’m a huge fan of David Bowie, and I loved his Ziggy Stardust era. Also Iggy Pop, Johnny Cash. I was able to meet a hero of mine early on-Todd Snider the folk singer. He inspired me to do the Americana, storytelling songs as I do on Big Dog, Dancing Like Iggy Pop, Ballad of Johnny Boone. I consider most of my folk songs to be in the storytelling style.

Q: What is the name of your debut song?

Godzilla. I wrote it for Godzilla’s 60th birthday and he also my favourite movie monster. Not a lot of people know that he’s actually the symbol for a filmographic metaphor for the United States, as well as an allegory of nuclear weapons in general. So as the song unfolds it’s very accurate while still being entertaining. It’s really fun to perform as well and it was the first song to get me noticed in the folk scene which is an awesome bonus.

Q: Say something about your musical journey?

it’s funny that I learned guitar to add a dimension to my comedy, and then I fell in love with guitar playing after seeing Todd Snider tell a wicked funny story and then proceed to play a great folk song about it. Now I’m getting bigger audiences and that’s exciting to see so many more people laugh, sing along, and join in.

Q: Who helped you most in your journey?

had a lot of friends who encouraged and helped me get to the next level throughout performing. But my biggest help was from the performer Chief Greenbud out of Nashville. I met him on my first national gig in San Antonio Texas playing a cannabis event for S.A. NORML (I was the opening act) I have a few cannabis songs and I get to play a lot of those 420 events that are happening all over now. He was very helpful in guiding me in the early years, and we have remained friends off stage as well.

Q: Who gave you pieces of advice?

I actually had someone in the music business approach me backstage after a show and tell me I had to dumb down my lyrics if I wanted to be commercially successful. He was a little shocked by my retort “I’m not doing this for the money, I write for the Terrence McKenna view of “To find the others”. If you hear my song Godzilla or Relativity of Me, there are so many buried things in the lyrics for certain people to get and say wow, someone else is thinking about that too. That is who my fan base is -mostly people who are really into lyrics and ideas that are hidden or buried in the songs.

Q: What do you do nowadays?

I play all over. I sold off my house and most of my belongings following the advice of Todd Snider who shared “ If you can get your life where you can pack up everything you own and move in 15 minutes, you will be a great song writer.” So that’s what I do. I stay with friends & super fans all over. I’m on team people and I love seeing the world through travel & adventures.

Q: Let us know something about your future projects?

I’m riding a 170 miles bicycle ride called the Trek Across Maine in June for The American Lung Association to raise awareness for Cannabis medicine, and playing the New England area this summer/ fall season.

Q: What is your message to your fans?

Don’t be afraid to approach me online or after a show. I try to dedicate myself to taking the time to meet & correspond with the fans.

Q: Any message for a new artist?

Do what you love, don’t conform to your art and creations for any business interest. The people need real artist again.

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